Flashback to my favourite ten kilometre race...
Flash back to my favourite ten kilometre race, the women's elite 10k race of the 2010 Gold Coast Marathon weekend, clocking 35.18 and coming in as the 4th elite female.
I had just taken over my professional triathlon ITU license & started to lean towards triathlons more, moving away from my track running.
It was an exciting time for me and one that I never got to truly enjoy when life around me for my support and loved ones was hit with tragedy.
It's been a long hall to hang in there as a professional athelte, as races and results have been few and far between. I never gave up on what I want, and I am now really looking forward to racing here again in two weeks time, in the women's half marathon elite field, oceanic champs & Australian university running championships at the Gold Coast Marathon.
@bonduniversity @bond_sport @gcmarathon #RunnningIsMyReligion #ILove2Run #race @gcmarathon #weekend #running Coyne Sports Injury & Performance Clinic Liv Cycling Australia Marathon - Gold Coast 10Km Gold Coast Half Marathon